Results for 'Sarah Fels Usher'

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  1.  6
    What is This Thing Called Love?: A Guide to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Couples.Sarah Fels Usher - 2007 - Routledge.
    _What is This Thing Called Love?_ provides a clear how-to guide for carrying out psychotherapy with couples from a psychoanalytic perspective. The book draws on both early and contemporary psychoanalytic knowledge, explaining how each theory described is useful in formulating couple dynamics and in working with them. The result is an extremely practical approach, with detailed step-by-step instructions on technique, illuminated throughout by vivid case studies. The book focuses on several key areas including: An initial discussion about theories of love. (...)
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    “Safer to plant corn and beans”? Navigating the challenges and opportunities of agricultural diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt.Rebecca Traldi, Lauren Asprooth, Emily M. Usher, Kristin Floress, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Megan Baskerville, Sarah P. Church, Ken Genskow, Seth Harden, Elizabeth T. Maynard, Aaron William Thompson, Ariana P. Torres & Linda S. Prokopy - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1687-1706.
    Agricultural diversification in the Midwestern Corn Belt has the potential to improve socioeconomic and environmental outcomes by buffering farmers from environmental and economic shocks and improving soil, water, and air quality. However, complex barriers related to agricultural markets, individual behavior, social norms, and government policy constrain diversification in this region. This study examines farmer perspectives regarding the challenges and opportunities for both corn and soybean production and agricultural diversification strategies. We analyze data from 20 focus groups with 100 participants conducted (...)
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    The crisis from above: Gatekeepers need better standards.Sarah R. Schiavone, Julia G. Bottesini & Simine Vazire - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Improvements to the validity of psychological science depend upon more than the actions of individual researchers. Editors, journals, and publishers wield considerable power in shaping the incentives that have ushered in the generalizability crisis. These gatekeepers must raise their standards to ensure authors' claims are supported by evidence. Unless gatekeepers change, changes made by individual scientists will not be sustainable.
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  4. (1 other version)“One Must Imagine What One Denies”: How Sartre Imagines The Imaginary.Sarah Marshall - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 3 (1):16-39.
    This essay is a defense of Jean-Paul Sartre’s The Imaginary as a text which changes the direction of philosophical thinking regarding the image. Historically depreciated as a mere “copy” or “appearance” of a “reality” grasped through perception, the image is reconceived in Sartre’s text, which culminates in a revaluation of imagination as the condition of possibility for a human consciousness that always already transcends its situation towards something entirely other – what he calls “the imaginary.” Despite the metaphysical bias that (...)
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    Lyotard’s performance.Robin Usher - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (4):279-288.
    Starting with Lyotard’s characterisation of postmodernity as incredulity, this is related to another of his key concepts—that of ‘performativity’. Lyotard appears to deploy performativity to characterise those technologies that bring about the optimisation of efficient performance. However, there is another sense of performativity where it is linked to performance. Performance conditions the possibility of any and all performatives, or to put it another way, as performance is itself enabled by performativity, so too performativity is realised through its performance. Both senses (...)
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    The ethics of intercountry adoption: Why it matters to healthcare providers and bioethicists.Sarah Jones - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (7):358-364.
    The goal of this paper is both modest and ambitious. The modest goal is to show that intercountry adoption should be considered by ethicists and healthcare providers. The more ambitious goal is to introduce the many ethical issues that intercountry adoption raises. Intercountry adoption is an alternative to medical, assisted reproduction option such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection, third party egg and sperm donation and surrogacy. Health care providers working with assisted reproduction are in a unique position (...)
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    (1 other version)Shopping.Sarah Kennedy - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):491-492.
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    Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher.Sarah Hutton - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 2004 book was the first intellectual biography of one of the very first English women philosophers. At a time when very few women received more than basic education, Lady Anne Conway wrote an original treatise of philosophy, her Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, which challenged the major philosophers of her day - Descartes, Hobbes and Spinoza. Sarah Hutton's study places Anne Conway in her historical and philosophical context, by reconstructing her social and intellectual milieu. She (...)
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  9. Visual synchrony affects binding and segmentation in perception.Matthew Usher & N. Donnelly - 1998 - Nature 394:179-82.
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    When philosophical nuance matters: safeguarding consciousness research from restrictive assumptions.Marius Usher, Niccolò Negro, Hilla Jacobson & Naotsugu Tsuchiya - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 14.
    In this paper, we revisit the debate surrounding the Unfolding Argument (UA) against causal structure theories of consciousness (as well as the hard-criteria research program it prescribes), using it as a platform for discussing theoretical and methodological issues in consciousness research. Causal structure theories assert that consciousness depends on a particular causal structure of the brain. Our claim is that some of the assumptions fueling the UA are not warranted, and therefore we should reject the methodology for consciousness science that (...)
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    Maimonides in His World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker.Sarah Stroumsa - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    While the great medieval philosopher, theologian, and physician Maimonides is acknowledged as a leading Jewish thinker, his intellectual contacts with his surrounding world are often described as related primarily to Islamic philosophy. Maimonides in His World challenges this view by revealing him to have wholeheartedly lived, breathed, and espoused the rich Mediterranean culture of his time.Sarah Stroumsa argues that Maimonides is most accurately viewed as a Mediterranean thinker who consistently interpreted his own Jewish tradition in contemporary multicultural terms. Maimonides (...)
  12.  28
    Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism.Sarah Song - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Justice, Gender and the Politics of Multiculturalism explores the tensions that arise when culturally diverse democratic states pursue both justice for religious and cultural minorities and justice for women. Sarah Song provides a distinctive argument about the circumstances under which egalitarian justice requires special accommodations for cultural minorities while emphasizing the value of gender equality as an important limit on cultural accommodation. Drawing on detailed case studies of gendered cultural conflicts, including conflicts over the 'cultural defense' in criminal law, (...)
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  13. Plato on False Pains and Modern Cognitive Science.George Couvalis & Matthew Usher - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (3-4):99-115.
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    Experience in adult education: A post-modern critique.Robin Usher - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (2):201–214.
    ABSTRACT The concepts of experience and experiential learning are of critical significance in both the study and practice of adult education. Adults are seen as uniquely characterised by their experience, experiential learning an alternative to didactic and knowledge-based modes of education. In this paper a critique is presented of the powerful discourse of the autonomous subject based on humanistic psychology which, it is argued, has shaped adult education in a misleading, inappropriate and unhelpful way. A postmodern perspective drawing on Continental (...)
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    Between Caring and Counting: Teachers Take on Education Reform.Sarah Elizabeth Barrett - 2007 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 16 (1):61-65.
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    Wilson, James Q. The Marriage Problem: How Our Culture Has Weakened Families.Sarah Smith Bartel - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (1):223-225.
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    Animal remains.Sarah Bezan & Robert McKay (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    To make sense of the material afterlives of animals, this book draws together multispecies perspectives from literary criticism and theory, cultural studies, anthropology and ethnography, photographic and film history, and contemporary art practice to offer the first synoptic account of animal remains.
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  18. Aberrations: le devenir-femme d'Auguste Comte.Sarah Kofman - 1978 - [Paris]: Flammarion.
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    Séductions: de Sartre à Héraclite.Sarah Kofman - 1990
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    Hollywood Incoherent: Narration in Seventies Cinema (review).Sarah Kozloff - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):426-427.
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    (1 other version)I can't afford the rent in my head.Sarah Krohn - 2020 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 20:29-29.
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    Response.Sarah Kyambi - 2006 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 3 (3):199-200.
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  23. Essence and Natural Kinds: When Science Meets Preschooler Intuition1.Sarah-Jane Leslie - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
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  24. Control, choice, and the convergence/divergence dynamics: A compatibilistic probabilistic theory of free will.Matthew Usher - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (4):188-213.
  25.  55
    A poem about parmenides' poem.Sarah Adams - 2014 - Think 13 (37):103-104.
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    Agitation with—and of—Burke's Comic Theory.Sarah Elizabeth Adams - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (3):315-335.
    “Ambivalence” is the key word in much of this book; “comic” [is the book’s] most obscure and I think absolutely without use value. I don’t know what B[urke] means by “comic,” as a matter of fact. I wonder if he does, and could define it briefly. Readers of Kenneth Burke are well aware of the importance of comedy and its associated cluster of concepts in his work: comic, comic frame, comic attitude, comic corrective. This cluster of terms figures prominently in (...)
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    Women Left Behind: Migration, Agency, and the Pakistani Woman.Sarah Ahmed - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (4):597-619.
    This article examines how migration impacts power dynamics and gender norms for women left behind living in rural Southern Punjab, Pakistan, a site where patriarchal customs and religion are interwoven to confine women’s mobility and agency. Based on qualitative interviews and focus groups with women left behind from 2015 through 2018, this article explores how local rural-to-urban male migration patterns impact the decision-making powers of women who are left behind and must make sense of the family structure and gender dynamics (...)
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    Beyond Women’s Voices: Towards a Victim-Survivor-Centred Theory of Listening in Law Reform on Violence Against Women.Sarah Ailwood, Rachel Loney-Howes, Nan Seuffert & Cassandra Sharp - 2022 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (2):217-241.
    Australia is witnessing a political, social and cultural renaissance of public debate regarding violence against women, particularly in relation to domestic and family violence (DFV), sexual assault and sexual harassment. Women's voices calling for law reform are central to that renaissance, as they have been to feminist law reform dating back to nineteenth-century campaigns for property and suffrage rights. Although feminist research has explored women’s voices, speaking out and storytelling to highlight the exclusions and limitations of the legal and criminal (...)
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    Cooperation and fairness depend on self-regulation.Sarah E. Ainsworth & Roy F. Baumeister - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):79-80.
    Any evolved disposition for fairness and cooperation would not replace but merely compete with selfish and other antisocial impulses. Therefore, we propose that human cooperation and fairness depend on self-regulation. Evidence shows reductions in fairness and other prosocial tendencies when self-regulation fails.
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    Differentiation of individual selves facilitates group-level benefits of ultrasociality.Sarah E. Ainsworth, Roy F. Baumeister & Kathleen D. Vohs - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Differentiating selves facilitates group outcomes.Sarah E. Ainsworth, Roy F. Baumeister & Kathleen D. Vohs - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Activity and Potentiality in Augustine and Victorinus’ Use of Jn 5:19.Sarah Klitenic Wear - 2011 - Quaestiones Disputatae 2 (1-2):107-117.
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    Fate, Providence and Moral Responsibility in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Thought: Studies in Honour of Carlos Steel , written by Pieter d’Hoine and Gerd Van Riel.Sarah Klitenic Wear - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (1):127-129.
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    Infrastructure as a Complex Adaptive System.Edward J. Oughton, Will Usher, Peter Tyler & Jim W. Hall - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Neural mechanism for the magical number 4: Competitive interactions and nonlinear oscillation.Marius Usher, Jonathan D. Cohen, Henk Haarmann & David Horn - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):151-152.
    The aim of our commentary is to strengthen Cowan's proposal for an inherent capacity limitation in STM by suggesting a neurobiological mechanism based on competitive networks and nonlinear oscillations that avoids some of the shortcomings of the scheme discussed in the target article (Lisman & Idiart 1995).
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    Evolutionary Constraints on Human Object Perception.E. Koopman Sarah, Z. Mahon Bradford & F. Cantlon Jessica - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2126-2148.
    Language and culture endow humans with access to conceptual information that far exceeds any which could be accessed by a non-human animal. Yet, it is possible that, even without language or specific experiences, non-human animals represent and infer some aspects of similarity relations between objects in the same way as humans. Here, we show that monkeys’ discrimination sensitivity when identifying images of animals is predicted by established measures of semantic similarity derived from human conceptual judgments. We used metrics from computer (...)
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    The Role of “Small Publics” in Teacher Dissent.Sarah M. Stitzlein & Amy Rector-Aranda - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):165-180.
    In this essay, Sarah Stitzlein and Amy Rector-Aranda, drawing on John Dewey's theoretical suggestions regarding how to best form publics capable of bringing about change through deliberation and action, offer teachers guidance on how to form and navigate spaces of political protest and become more effective advocates for school reform. Using Aaron Schutz's analysis of teacher activism as a point of departure, Stitzlein and Rector-Aranda argue for the development in schools of “small publics,” that is, Deweyan democratic spaces within (...)
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    Short-term memory after all: Comment on Sederberg, Howard, and Kahana (2008).Marius Usher, Eddy J. Davelaar, Henk J. Haarmann & Yonatan Goshen-Gottstein - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (4):1108-1116.
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    Bernard Bolzano.Heinrich Fels - 1929 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
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    Bernard Bolzano, sein Leben und Sein Werk.H. Fels - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (6):160-161.
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    The Academy and its Discontents.Bernie Fels - 1979 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1979 (40):173-176.
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    On the Reversibility of Algorithms.E. M. Fels - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):655.
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    British Medieval Population. Josiah Cox Russell.Abbott Payson Usher - 1950 - Isis 41 (2):228-229.
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    (Great) Works & (Long) Days : Hesiod in Reception.M. D. Usher - 2017 - Arion 24 (3):163.
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    Men or insects? A study of population problems.C. W. Usher - 1964 - The Eugenics Review 56 (3):167.
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    N. R. E. Fisher: Social Values in Classical Athens. Pp. xiv + 177. London: Dent, 1976. Cloth, £3·95.H. J. K. Usher - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (2):364-365.
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    Positive eugenics by restraint.C. Usher - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 28 (4):342.
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  48. Plato on false pains and modern cognitive science.Matthew L. Usher & Spyridon George Couvalis - unknown
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    Reading Greek.H. J. K. Usher - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (01):70-.
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    Rhodes of Africa.C. W. Usher - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 49 (1):44.
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